Exit/enter doorway with no pulling in dog-friendly buildings.
Exit building to start test, additional Public buildings items are below.
Walk through a crowd on a busy urban sidewalk.
People come toward the dog from 1-ft. away
Tolerate distractions (people wearing hats, coats, men, women, etc).
Appropriate reaction to city distractions. This includes movement, noises, and walking on a variety of surfaces. Examples:
Noises: horns, sirens, construction noise, etc.
Moving objects: skateboard, bike, carts, person running
Surfaces: concrete, grass, grates, plastic tarp, wet sidewalk
Crossing street: Stop at corner, stand or sit to wait and cross with no pulling (on leash, with owner). Crosses street under control.
Ignore food on sidewalk. (Dropped food, or cups, bags, cans, in which food was wrapped).
Person walks up and pets the dog. May be carrying an item such as a small dog in a bag, a computer bag, etc. Person does not put the bag down to pet the dog.
Public Building (that is dog friendly). Walks under control in building (slick surface, carpeted floor). Down stay (3 min) in lobby or outdoor area, or waits while owner has a meal or snack.
Stairs, steps, or elevator under control.
Steps (at least 3 - up and down)
Elevator (Enters under control, exits, rides under control)
Housetrained for apartment, condo, city living. Owner may verify this item. Evaluator may also observe in public buildings, or have observed in training classes.
Transportation. Owner’s choice depending on transportation needs.
Car. Enters/exits, remains under control during the ride. (Crate? Seatbelt?)
Subway. Small dog in bag for ride. (large dogs are not always permitted; know and abide by the Transit Policies in your area).
Dog friendly (enters/exits or allows to be put in/taken out) under control.
To pass the CGCU test, dogs must pass all 10 items of the test.
AKC Urban Canine

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